
While great for harmless outdoor fun, in the wrong hands these Orbeez guns, also known as gel blasters or hydro blasters can potentially cause harm. This has led to debate around whether orbeez guns should be legal or banned in Australia.

So, as a parent or toy enthusiast, you probably want to know – are orbeez guns actually legal in Australia? Let’s take a deep dive into the laws and restrictions around these controversial toy weapons.

However, the legality of orbeez guns varies across different states and territories in Australia. Some parts of the country take a harder stance and have classified them as prohibited weapons or imitation firearms. Others have more relaxed rules around their use. It’s a complex situation, so let’s break it down territory by territory.

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So, Are Orbeez Guns Legal in Australia?

In Australia, the legality of toy guns like Orbeez guns can vary by state. However, it’s worth noting that gel blasters had specific legal issues and were even considered weapons in some places.

As of 2021, Queensland loosened its laws, no longer requiring a permit for gel blasters. While this doesn’t directly speak to Orbeez guns, it suggests a somewhat flexible stance on similar toys.

What Are The Laws Around Orbeez Guns in Each Australian State and Territory?


The rules can change rapidly, but here is the current status across Australia as of September 2023:

New South Wales

New South Wales has banned the sale, possession and use of gel blasters like orbeez guns. In 2019, NSW reclassified them as imitation firearms, making them a prohibited weapon. There are a few exceptions, like if you owned one before the ban or use it for work, film and theatre purposes. But generally, you can no longer legally buy, own or use gel blasters for recreational reasons in NSW. Breaking the law can result in heavy fines or even imprisonment.


Victoria first banned the sale of gel blasters back in 2018. In 2021 they went further, completely prohibiting possession and use of the toys even on private property. There are narrow exemptions for things like film productions, but orbeez blasters are essentially illegal for average citizens. The maximum penalty is a huge $45,000 fine or up to 2 years jail!


Queensland has also classified gel blasters as category R imitation firearms. This means you must have a valid permit to legally own or use them. To get a permit, you must be over 18, pass a fit and proper person test, and store the toy appropriately. Using an orbeez gun without a permit can result in fines over $2000.

Western Australia

In WA, gel blasters are classified as imitation firearms. While not completely banned, you must abide by strict conditions like being over 18, belonging to an approved club, and only using them on private land with consent. The laws continue to develop, so look into specifics if considering use in WA.

South Australia

South Australia allowed gel blasters under certain conditions, like parental supervision for minors. However, in 2021 they banned possession outright outside of prescribed exemptions. Fines can stretch into the thousands, so avoid gel blasters in SA.


Tasmania has also taken a hardline stance, regulating gel blasters as category C firearms. Here you must register them, hold a license, follow storage rules and only use on private property. breaching the law can attract over $1300 in fines.

Northern Territory

The Northern Territory has no specific gel blaster laws yet, but police can still charge inappropriate use under firearms offenses. Make sure to use orbeez guns carefully away from public places and without causing nuisance.

Australian Capital Territory

Like the NT, the ACT has no dedicated gel blaster laws currently. But they advise restrictions like parental supervision for kids under 16 and against use in public areas. Follow general firearms rules and exercise caution until regulations develop.

Summary of Gel Blaster Laws in Australia

State/TerritoryLegal Status of Gel Blasters
New South WalesProhibited weapon – banned
VictoriaProhibited weapon – banned
QueenslandClassified as imitation firearm – permit required
Western AustraliaImitation firearm – strict conditions apply
South AustraliaPossession banned outside exemptions
TasmaniaClassified as category C firearm – license required
Northern TerritoryNo specific laws – exercise caution
Australian Capital TerritoryNo specific laws – exercise caution

So, the law takes a harsh view of gel blasters in most of the country. Apart from the NT and ACT, all states and territories have some form of restrictions or outright bans.

Queensland does allow legal possession with a permit, while WA regulates their use quite strictly. Before considering buying an orbeez gun, carefully check the laws where you live.

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Are There Any Exceptions For Using Orbeez Guns Legally in Australia?


While most of Australia prohibits regular recreational use of orbeez blasters, there are some exceptions where they may still be legal:

  • Film/Television Productions: Gel blasters can be used for movies, TV shows and media with the proper licenses and supervision. Police may grant short-term approvals for production purposes.
  • Theatrical Performances: Under supervision and with safety precautions, gel blasters may be allowed for stage shows or re-enactments. Extreme care must be taken around audiences though.
  • Sporting Events: In rare cases, authorities allow the use of orbeez guns for structured, controlled events. This may include organized competitions and tournaments, but public space use is generally banned.
  • Primary Production: For pest control use like on farms, certain trained professionals can gain approval to use gel blasters. Proper licensing and registration apply.
  • Research: Scientists and engineers may access gel blaster technology for things like ballistics studies and materials testing. This requires ethical oversight bodies to grant approval.
  • Inherited or Pre-Ban Ownership: If you already owned a gel blaster before restrictive laws took effect, you may be able to keep possession in some states. Check current rules for guidance.

So while general everyday use is banned, there are some narrow exceptions where orbeez gun use might still be legal in Australia.

Specialized professions or structured events may provide avenues to operate gel blasters in a controlled, supervised manner. But laws are continuously updated, so seek local legal advice before pursuing any exemption possibilities.

What Are The Risks and Dangers Of Using Orbeez Guns?

Let’s talk about why orbeez blasters face so many legal restrictions and bans across Australia. While marketed as toys, misuse of these guns can actually cause serious harm:


Gel pellets fired from close range can bruise or puncture the skin, especially vulnerable areas like the eyes. Children have received hospital treatment for orbeez gun impacts to faces and eyes.

Mistaken Identity:

With strikingly realistic designs, police can easily mistake gel blasters for actual loaded guns. This could lead to tense confrontations or fatal accidents.

Armed Holdups:

Their lifelike appearance also means criminals could use orbeez guns to commit armed robberies. Victims have no way to determine if they are real guns or not in the moment.


Firing orbeez pellets in public areas like parks or streets can injure people or wildlife and constitutes disorderly conduct. Stray shots can hit children, pets and more.

Inappropriate Play:

Kids may fire at each other’s faces, replica police weapons, or nearby cars/property if not properly supervised. This misuse fuels calls for gel blaster bans.

Security Threats:

Police respond to orbeez gun incidents as potential active shooter situations, unnecessarily putting officers and public in danger.

While supporters argue they can be used safely under control, orbeez guns clearly pose significant risks without appropriate precautions.

Their potential to cause injuries and be mistaken for firearms makes them dangerous in the wrong hands. It’s understandable why Australian authorities take a highly restrictive approach, especially around unsupervised recreational use.

What Are Some Safer Alternatives To Gel Blasters For Play And Recreation?

Given the hazards, what are some ways kids and adults can still enjoy harmless backyard blasting without orbeez guns? Here are a few options:

  • Water guns – Whether pump action or battery powered water pistols, these classic toys offer soaking fun without projectiles that can injure eyes.
  • Foam dart blasters – Shooting soft foam darts or balls reduces pain on impact while still allowing target practice games.
  • Paintball markers – At regulated paintball centers with protective gear, these markers can be used safely for sport competitions and simulated combat.
  • Laser tag – Infrared laser tag vests and guns let players “tag” targets while avoiding any physical projectiles being fired.
  • Potato cannons – Firing chunks of harmless potato with pneumatic pressure under supervision provides an interesting technical challenge.
  • Airsoft guns – Where legal and with eye protection, these shoot plastic pellets similar to orbeez guns, but with strict safety protocols.

With some creativity, you can replicate the enjoyment of orbeez blasters in safer ways. Concentrate on proper eye protection, responsible usage instructions and non-threatening designs when selecting toy guns for backyard fun.

In Conclusion – Be Cautious With Orbeez Guns In Australia

Hopefully this gives you a well-rounded overview of the complex orbeez gun laws across Australia. While you may still be able to use them under special exemptions or in excluded states, general recreational play is essentially prohibited.

And for good reason – misuse of realistic-looking gel blasters can potentially injure people or be mistaken for real weapons. Before purchasing or using an orbeez gun, carefully check your local state laws.

And consider safer alternatives for backyard blasting fun like water guns or foam dart tag. With some safety precautions and wise judgment, you can still enjoy hobby shooting without needing controversial gel blaster replicas.

But violation of orbeez gun laws can bring serious penalties, so educate yourself on the current regulations where you live. With awareness and care, we can keep Australia safe while having harmless fun outdoors.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are water bead guns legal in Australia?

Water bead guns face varying legality in Australia, dependent on the state. Always double-check local and state laws before purchasing or using one.

Are gel ball guns legal in Australia?

Gel ball guns are mostly illegal in Australia, except in Queensland where permits aren’t required as of 2021. Always consult local regulations.

What toy guns are legal in Australia?

The legality of toy guns in Australia differs by state. In Queensland, some toy guns like gel blasters have become more accessible. Elsewhere, the laws can be strict.

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